The “Cloud of Light” Do Your Supplements Have It?

The “Cloud of Light” Do Your Supplements Have It?

Let’s start with the compelling concept of biophoton emission. What does it really refer to? Biophoton emission is literally a cloud of DNA-generated “light” that emanates from the body’s skin surface – a natural yet nonvisible function of the human body.   

Did you know that this fascinating topic of photon emission and its correlated photonic body intelligence has been known and scientifically researched for over 100 years? Yet many savvy practitioners have never even heard of this concept -- and sadly, may not be aware of its extensive and deeply meaningful impact on the body’s entire physiology.  


It's not much of a jump from thinking about the biophoton emission of the human body to the realization that there is a similar process in living plants. Just as you would guess, on a parallel to the human body’s photon emissions, the healthier and better grown a plant is, the more radiant is its own biophoton emission from its stems, leaves and fruits. This certainly gives us another good reason to leave junk food behind (with its weakened and lifeless photon emission patterns).  

If we apply this same principle to dietary supplements, we will soon arrive at the conclusion that the most effective supplements are the ones that have been created from the best grown nutrients and botanical agents – and that have no added toxic fillers or excipients. Only this pristine type of supplement quality can help keep the body at its strongest.  


It is bewildering why many people (even practitioners) still believe that chemical ingredients can help increase the health of the human body. As a common example, does “ascorbic acid” equate to the same thing as real, plant-sourced vitamin C?   

Take a look at your vitamin C product. Does the supplement panel list “ascorbic acid” on the label? If so, you may think of this as real vitamin C, but instead, it is a crystalline, test-tube-made chemical copy of only one aspect of the genuine vitamin C complex. (We call it a “complex” because in nature, true vitamin C never occurs alone – it is always integrated within a host of complementary elements in an elaborate natural molecule.) Real vitamin C comes from plants that were once living; it is not a synthetic chemical substitute.  

Also, keep in mind that “ascorbic acid” is typically a chemically-created cornstarch derivative (potentially GMO) with possible toxic effects when taken in large quantities. In contrast, whole-plant vitamin C is not toxic (because vitamin C is inherently complexed into its natural hierarchy of nutrients) and is required in relatively small amounts on a daily basis.  


How did we ever start thinking that taking 2,000 mg. of chemical ascorbic acid was somehow acceptable – when genuine vitamin C occurs in much smaller amounts in real plants?  For example, a medium orange contains about 70 mg. of vitamin C and amla berries (a much higher vitamin C source) contains about 150 mg. per ¼ cup --- nowhere near the 2,000 to 5,000 mg. you might find in a chemical-based vitamin C supplement. “More” is not necessarily “better”. 


As you can guess, compared to the bright, radiant biophoton emission of carefully harvested vitamin-C-rich plants (such as amla berries), the chemical version of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) would have a biophoton field of close to zero. When you consume chemically made powders, will your body need to sacrifice other stored nutrients in order to attempt to detoxify it? This research is still underway. In the meantime, we heartily encourage you to choose the life-radiant version of vitamin C for superior immune support.  


The original research on biophoton emission can be traced by to Alexander G. Gurwitsch, a far-thinking Russian biologist and medical scientist who originally discovered the “biophoton” when he was engaged in very cleverly designed biological research. 


Biophotons are photons of DNA-generated “light” that occur in the ultraviolet and infrared range that are produced by the body’s own inherent biological system. The emission of biophotons is technically a type of bioluminescence.   

Research shows that biological tissues can typically produce a radiant emittance in the visible and ultraviolet frequencies ranging from 10−17 to 10−23 W/cm2 (approx 1-1000 photons/cm2/second). That’s an avalanche of photons that the healthy body is capable of emitting! 


During WWI, the insightful Dr. Gurwitsch wrote his book, “Principles of analytical biology and theory of cellular fields,” where he founded his concepts about mathematical cell/development biology and morphogenetic fields. 

It started by him wanting to answer an intriguing question: “what are the causes of cell division?” After much research, Gurwitsch concluded that this event required two factors: (1) an internalcell “preparedness” to start the division, and (2) an externalimpulse -- a signal coming from the outside to “switch on” the internal mitosis.  

He believed that the external impulse signal was non-chemical and was instead, a type of cellular UV light radiation that induced the “collective excitation” of special receptors on the cell surface.  


To test his hypothesis of thexternal pulse stimulation, Gurwitsch performed his famous “onion root experiment” in 1923. In this experiment, two similar onion roots were located perpendicular to each other, so that the tip of root #1 (to act as the emitter of the “radiant impulse”) was directed toward the zone of root #2 (to act as the “recipient”).  

The researchers cut cellular sections of the “recipient” onion root and calculated the number of mitotic cells in the exposed and non-exposed halves of the root. Unexpectedly, the exposed root side possessed significantly higher proportion of mitotic cells than the non-exposed side. He called this phenomenon the “mitogenetic effect.”  

Continuing his research, he placed a quartz plate between the two onion roots to see if this blocked the effect. He found it made no difference at all and the mitogenetic effect was still observed. (In other words, the quartz material appeared to allow the onion root cell’s natural UV radiation to interact with the other root tip.) However, if he separated the onion roots with glass or nontransparent materials, the mitogeneteic effect disappeared.  Based on these and other test results, he concluded that the acting factor was cell-generated UV light of very low intensity being emitted from the onion root due to “mitogenetic radiation.” 

These unheard of results ignited much more research. Soon, this phenomenon of cellular UV radiation was shown to be widely spread in the nature. Interestingly, a number of laboratories (Profs. Gurwitsch, Blacher and Pesochensky in the USSR, Prof. Siebert in Germany, Prof. Wolf in the Netherlands, Prof. Rahn in the USA) were able to establish a stable, basic mitogenetic effect profile and later used this for further research and clinical diagnostics. 

They even used this non-invasive testing of very weak UV cellular radiation to detect physiological and pathological states of cells and tissues in humans. It is interesting to note this very advanced clinical research was taking place way back in the 1920’s and ‘30’s. 


Fast forward to the present and we see that the UV component of UPE (aka ultra weak biophoton emission) can now be regarded as a proven phenomenon (Troitskii et al., 1961; Gurwitsch et al., 1965; Tilbury and Quickenden, 1988).  

Later, the famous German biophysicist, Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp, and his team continued this research work in the 1960’s until Popp’s death in 2018 and uncovered many more surprising insights.  

Stay tuned for our next article with new insights about biophoton emissions 

and how it can impact your life. 



By PRL Staff “The “Cloud of Light” Do Your Supplements Have It?”

 PRL Research Forum, 18th Oct 2022,

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